Monday, August 14, 2017


This is not my attempt to defend the 'Unite the Right' protesters or the Alt-Right position. I do have some experience and much study throughout the years in this subject. My premise is based on a couple of clear facts:
*Police were ordered to stand down by direct orders of the mayor and not arrest anyone unless he was specifically notified. This led to zero protection from law enforcement. They might as well have not been there.
*Communist, Antifa, BLM and other Left-radical, counter-protesters were bused to the event en masse. As we know from recent events, this was guaranteed violence.
*Lastly, event was pronounced an "unlawful assembly" on dubious grounds before it began and attendants were made to disperse and exit through the angry crowd of protesters, by now, were throwing urine, feces, concrete, paint, tear gas and pepper spraying the 'Unite the Right' participants. This was without police escort or protection.
The unfortunate events that followed were the direct result of the police being told to "stand down" and protect no one. The massive and angry crowds on both sides was a powder keg event.
'Unite the Right' was a legal assembly of various groups, many of whom shared racial ideologies, many didn't. This was not a "White Supremacist" rally or a crowd that could be necessarily painted with the same brush. Politically it was a meeting of the Far-Right of various stripes
With the narrative being pushed surrounding the Charlottesville riots, I am reminded of growing up in North Carolina and knowing some of the people and events surrounding the Greensboro Massacre in 1979, where Klansmen driving in a convey to a rally point, were lured by a local police informant into a crowd of angry Communists, in a public housing development, bottle-necked, and unable to get-away, Communist began busting car windows and pulling people out. The Communist were gunned down by the Klansmen in self-defense, as the court ruled in 1980. This event was later known to have been precipitated by local law enforcement under SBI involvement to create a violent confrontation. The idea was to curtail growing membership within the Klan and pass legislation to control both factions.
I think this is exactly what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia and explains the one-sided narrative. From the FBI's standpoint, this was the best chance to implode the 'Unite the Right' movement. It's worth noting there hasn't been a successful unification of the Far-Right. The Feds have been quite successful in keeping the movement very splintered for many decades.
I will add this one item from Patsy Sims book, The Klan I read many years ago that describes exactly the degree of infiltration and control the government had on radical groups as early as the 1960's. Just imagine the control they have now! .... "At one time in 1965, nearly two-thousand of the FBI-estimated ten-thousand Klan members were it's own informers. In letters written in September 1965 to Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach and a special assistant to President Lyndon B. Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover boasted, "774 (informants) have been developed in just the past year - an average of more than two each day, for every day, in the past twelve months." Hoover was counting only FBI informants. There were also those planted by local and state law enforcement agencies of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. Besides helping to populate the Invisible Empire, the records showed that the program to sabotage the Klan had included psychological warfare by pitting Klansmen against Klansman in an attempt to create among them that under every hood might lurk an FBI agent." The Klan by Patsy Sims, Pg 109.
These manipulated events in Charlottesville also serve to compromise President Trump's connection to his Alt-Right base and Trump's White House Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon. Labeling the Alt-Right as "White Supremacist" fuels the Left and effectively attempts to steer President Trump into a malleable position. Under fear of mass insurrection and Leftist rioting, they have effectively found Trump's Kryptonite.